Send off!

35 minutes to go....

Standing at the departure gate of the hustling international airport she looked at her watch and calculated the time left before she had to enter the gate and leave him behind for at least three years... 
So much had happened... She knew her decision to move abroad was one sided, he had never agreed to that. She knew she had hurt him. She knew he may never forgive her. She knew she risked their entire relationship by choosing to bring this distance between them. She knew he may never come... and she would need to understand...
With a shaken indrawn breath she told herself once again, her decision meant she should be ready to let him go if he so reacted. She really did not have a choice. 
Her heart ached. She was going to be so alone, so lonely without him...
He was her constant for last so many years. Her love, her best friend, her support, her backbone, her companion, her partner...! Leaving him was like carving out a major portion of her life, leaving a huge void behind…
Would he really come to send her off? Her anxious gaze scanned the crowd at the busy terminal once again. No sight. 
30 minutes to go...
Oh God! What would she do if she had to leave without even seeing him one last time!? She panicked. Can she survive not seeing him for three years when she was used to spending hours looking at him each day? His face, so dear to her… his touch, so warm and assuring… his hug, so comforting… his kiss, so full of love ... could she live without him at all? 
With a steadying breath she prayed for strength! Strength to do what was needed, strength to overcome her emotions with rationality... Strength to not waver in her decision... Her prayer was her only salvation. 
Where was he? Why did he not even send a text to let her know if he is coming or not? Was he that angry with her that he was just willing to let her go without even seeing her one last time? 
Desperately she scanned the area once again... and spotted him!
25 minutes to go....
She released the breath she was holding up with a shudder.... he had come! He was running on the walkway across the road in an attempt to cross the road.
Blue t-shirt and black jeans. Her favorite. Holding a small bag in his hand. With an expression of desperation on his handsome face. He spotted her as he crossed the road and started running towards her. 
She wanted to cry. She wanted to shout out a YESSS. She wanted to jump with joy! 
He had come. He had not given up on her. He had not given up on them...
Slowing down just as he reached her he stopped just half a foot away from her. The half foot distance that was going to decide so many things for their future and for their relationship. With all his feelings in his eyes he stopped there and just looked at her. An unspoken question in his eyes. 
She could not help it. She stepped right in and hugged him tight. 
He was hers. He loved her. He loved her enough to forgive her. She had not lost. They had not lost. His love had brought them a victory. It was that simple, it was that wonderful.
All her emotions broke free and she started crying. She held onto him as if she never wanted to let him go. He hugged her tight and wiped her tears. His own eyes misty. He kissed her forehead. A kiss of care, a kiss of forgiveness. 

15 minutes to go...

Stepping back a little he pulled out a small teddy bear keychain from his bag. She loved soft toys like a little girl. He attached that teddy to her purse. That would be her reminder to never forget him. The teddy held a heart which said "I love you no matter what". Then quickly he pulled out her favorite chocolate from the bag and handed it to her. Their regular valentine day gift. A chocolate she always associated with love.
She held his hand. She could not stop the tears flowing.
He was showing her unconditional love. He was showing her he would always love her even if she made some decisions in their relationship which would solely benefit her. He was showing her he would not give up on her, on them, on their love. He was offering her comfort, support, care, love.
As she weakened with emotions overflowing her, in that moment he became her strength.

5 minutes to go...

Hand in hand they walked towards security at the gate. This was the last stop. Beyond the gate she was going to disappear for at least three years. They kept looking at each other. Hands and gazes locked. As tears kept flowing from her eyes, he wiped them once again. Pulled her in for a last hug and kissed her forehead. She looked into his eyes and asked for more. He then kissed her and conveyed all the unspoken love from his lips to hers. Releasing her from his embrace he wiped her tears for the last time and gave her a smile and a wink, bringing out answering smile on her face. 
Stepping back he gently nudged her towards the security and waved a goodbye. 
Filled with the assurance of that love and unspoken promises, she went in with a smile...
She never saw when finally he let go of his tightly held control and crumbled on the floor with rocking sobs as she vanished into the crowd inside the airport... 


Imagine going to a place like this... 
On top of a hill, under the blue skies, full of lush green scenary, under the soothing umbrella of this beautiful cherry blossom... fully surrounded by the tranquility of nature... 
Imagine sitting on that swing... swinging to the rhythm of the flowing wind... breathing the fresh air with a scent of wild flowers... 
Imagine slowly with each swing dropping all your inhibitions as a grown-up, dropping your identity, letting go of all your worries, disappointments, complaints or sorrows...
Imagine dissolving yourself fully in the magnificence of nature and then getting reconnected with your true self... 
Imagine total relaxation... Imagine peace... Imagine pure bliss!!
We all need such a place, such a swing in our mind.... When sometimes this life overwhelmes us, we should just close our eyes and imagine being on this swing, like this lady in the painting... 
Just a step-back, a pause, letting-go, relaxing and experiencing pure bliss!!

Confessions of a Bonsai Tree...

I am the centerpiece at the exhibition. I am the first one they see as soon as they enter the huge hall. They come closer to me, and with an obvious wonder on their faces, they examine me from all sides. They see me - a small banyan tree, just over a foot tall. Almost an exact miniature replica of a fully-grown banyan tree. Their wonder expands, their intellect running at fast speed. How!? How is it possible that a tree which is supposed to be over 30 feet tall, known for its huge trunk and giant shoots hanging from its branches, has remained so small! 
As they look at me, they marvel at me, and think of my “creator” with great admiration. I am a “masterpiece” you see. It has taken years and years of effort, knowledge of trees, great maintenance and patience to make me the way I am – A Bonsai!
The man who made me a bonsai, my creator, his name is displayed prominently where I am kept. He has taken over 42 years to shape me, mold me to his wishes. You see, it is in my nature to grow, and he has been very careful to not allow me to do that. He understands trees very well. He cuts me – my branches, leaves, roots – so precisely that he makes sure that I will not overcome his requirement for my size even as I keep aging...
For my creator, I am an obsession. Since last 42 years, he has owned me completely. The amount of sunlight I should get, the amount of water I should get, the kind of soil I need to be kept in, the kind of micro-nutrients I should be given - he monitors everything. Each of my parts has been examined closely since my birth every week. My stem is measured for its girth. My leaves for their breadth. My roots for their length. My leaves need to be small. They need to be in proportion to my small body. As they grow, they are cut. I am allowed to have only as many mini-leaves as they are needed to give me a little canopy with the look of an old tree.
My visitors are now looking at my small but perfectly developed shoots growing from my branches, seeking the ground. One of the reasons I am called a masterpiece is this growth of these perfect shoots on my body which make me look like an aged banyan. My creator has tricks you see. He keeps spraying water on my shoots and confines them in straws. He keeps small pots of water at my base to deceive my shoots to grow towards them. He has his tricks, he knows how to manipulate the nature in me.
I am not allowed to grow branches any which way I want. They are cut periodically. My branches tend to grow wider, but my creator often experiments with them. He loves to mold them and grow them in a shape he likes. He has changed their direction of growing so many times. Do you know how he does that? He has these special wires. Highly flexible but strong wires. He winds them spirally around my branches and molds them with the wires. This must happen when my branches are young, and my stem is softer. Then my branches remain confined to the shape of the wires. Sometimes he leaves the wires on my body for so long, that my tissue grows around the wires. Every time this happens, my tissue is scarred. I wonder if these people who are looking at me so closely right now – are they seeing these spiral scars at the base of my branches? Do they know that this unnatural wavy shape in which my branch has grown is a result of tight wiring and twisting of my branch for over an year?
My roots are a particularly problematic part of me for my creator. I am a banyan tree and I am
supposed to grow thick roots giving me a very solid base. With my roots growing deep in the ground I am supposed to thrive to be a big strong banyan! But… I am a bonsai, and of-course my creator cannot allow that to happen. I am supposed to be kept small, which cannot happen if my roots start bringing me adequate support and nourishment. So, my creator uproots me completely every few months. I am not planted in ground or in a large container you know. I am kept in a shallow pot. He uproots me completely from this pot, combs my roots and simply cuts all the longer roots. Then I am planted again with fresh soil and pruned roots. He keeps only enough roots which are needed to absorb small amount of water, so that I will not die. Oh Yes! That would be a disaster, right? I cannot die, I need to remain small, but I need to survive! My size is maintained even as my body ages, my trunk ages. As I age and as I remain small, I become more prized, more valuable...
That is why all these people come here to this exhibition of bonsai trees. Where hundreds of trees like me are kept. Some of them are older than me. Trees of various species, various categories. All resembling their grown-up versions, just in a miniature form.  
In the world of humans, I know, bonsai tree making is considered an art form. My creator calls himself an artist of trees, a craftsman. He displays me with so much pride, his prized possession and they all congratulate him for his achievement!
Really… can none of them see us beyond their childish sense of wonder? Most of them see us as if they are seeing a toy, just a miniature version of something big… and they get excited! This senseless excitement of theirs brings them to such exhibitions and acts as incentive for many to keep a bonsai tree as a showpiece. That in turn promotes this whole business of bonsai tree making…
Humans look at the extreme chopping, pruning, even root reduction used to make a bonsai tree as attention given to the trees. They look at the branch twisting of trees with tight wires as artful shaping of the trees. They look at precise monitoring of light, soil and water given to the trees as knowledge applied to keep the tree healthy, instead of knowledge used to manage the tree’s growth. Is this their definition of “care”?

Can none of them see the life inside us – dying to burst free – yet not allowed to do so? We are not even allowed to die for hundreds of years, just kept alive in an artificially shaped, tortured body form standing inside shallow containers! Can they not see that we are a living, breathing life and it is cruel to treat us this way?

It is unnatural to not allow life to be the way it is supposed to be… can the human mind not understand this basic truth? Or could it be that humans have made a bonsai of their conscience and human consciousness as well – not allowing it to grow fully, keeping it at a level convenient for them? If that is a case, then probably such humans are more unfortunate than us - the bonsai trees!!!

Born In Her Heart...

There are some moments in your life which are so significant and intensely meaningful that anytime if you just closed your eyes, you can transport yourselves back in that moment and just vividly recall each and every thought you had then, each and every feeling you experienced then…. Some such moments might be in a way a turning point of your life…. Some such moments when you experienced joy beyond the boundary of definition, you would know that this was something which was meant to be… this was what you were always working towards… this was what you were seeking……

It was such a moment for Sangita…
It was the day when Sangita saw her daughter for the first time…
As Sangita waited with her husband and her five year old son with big smiles of anticipation on their faces, the caretaker brought the baby out and walked towards them. Gently she placed the baby girl on the blanket. Sangita watched as tiny arms and legs emerged from the folds of pink wrap and she felt her breath getting caught as automatically her hands reached out towards the baby to pick her up. With the age old natural maternal instinct, Sangita lifted the baby gently and held her close to her chest in the cradle of her arms for the first time and looked at her baby face…
Round black eyes… tiny nose lost in the chubby cheeks… delicate pink lips… curly hair… So small… So sweet…. beautiful… perfect…
As Sangita’s eyes roamed over the baby’s face, an indescribable feeling rose in her heart… it was intense and overwhelming… suddenly familiar… yes, she had experienced that same feeling before… five years ago, when she had held her newborn son for the first time… same feeling…. An instant recognition, an instant bond, an instant rise of a strong maternal instinct… a burst of Love… Possessiveness…. Protectiveness… her daughter…. this tiny bundle of flesh in her hands was her baby…. hers!
Sangita took a deep breath to bring herself out of her emotional high, and with an effort tried to focus on the next practical steps which they had to do… she could not assume that they could take the baby home with them immediately on the same day. The medical tests they had to carry out for the baby… the formalities which they had to complete… there was still time… you see, no matter what you may wish for, some of life’s realities had to be accepted….
They took the baby to the pathology lab for the blood tests. The pathologist seemed to be a senior person with a stern look on his face. He peered at Sangita over the rim of his glasses and in a no non-sense tone asked her to hold the baby’s hand tightly as they would be inserting the needle in to take the blood out.
Sangita tried to follow. It was difficult for her to look at the pathologist while he did his job. But she did. That needle went into her baby’s small delicate hand and the syringe got filled with the blood. It must be hurting her… Sangita tried to remind herself that this had to be done. They could not really skip this step. The blood tests were needed as part of the procedure. But here her baby was going through this and Sangita suddenly felt that she was responsible for causing this pain to the baby… her eyes welled up…
Gently the pathologist pulled the needle out and looked up at Sangita. Tears were rolling down her face. She could not really help it.
Shaking his head with incredulity the pathologist gave her a big smile and said, “See here, your baby is not even crying and her mother is all in tears!!”
As Sangita heard those words, she felt the heavy weight of guilt getting lifted from her heart and then as the sunshine would emerge from behind a dispersing cloud, a huge smile broke on her face…
Her mother…. He had called her the baby’s mother…. someone had called Sangita “Her mother” for the first time…
Someone who had no idea that the baby girl was not Sangita’s daughter just yet… someone who had no idea that they had got the baby to the lab to complete the medical tests required to clear the adoption procedures… someone who had no idea that Sangita was not the baby’s biological mother… someone who had no context, had called her “her mother” for the first time….  
That was Sangita’s first confirmation from the universe that what she had felt instantly was real…. The baby she had held in her arms that day was truly going to be hers…. She was going to be her daughter… That bond, that connection she had felt with the baby was as true and strong as a bond between a mother and her child could ever be... that instant connection between them was no-where less or different than what Sangita had felt with her biological son five years ago when she had held him for the first time….
It was such a moment for Sangita… which made it all vividly clear to her… that it was meant to be… the baby in her arms would soon be her daughter in every sense of the word!!

Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone,
But still, miraculously…. my own!
Never forget for a single minute,
You weren't born under my heart… But in it!!
                         (Author of poetry: Fleur Conkling Heyliger)



The Tree

I stopped my car as the signal turned red and simply out of habit, looked outside the window towards the junction where the three roads met…at him
 ‘Oh no… you idiot, why do you keep thinking of it as if it’s a person… don’t you know a TREE is supposed to be an “It” not a “him”’ I chided myself for the hundredth time…
But then that is how I look at any tree. For me, it is never just “wood”, never just a static body that doesn’t move, never just a sensation-less piece to be treated as just a thing to be used… and then cut off if it was in the way…
For the past eight years or so that I drove on this road, I had formed a very special bond with him. I remember the first day I noticed him. I was stuck by awe with that giant size which he had reached. The first word that had come to my mind was – HUGE! Easily over 50 feet tall, the base of the tree was may be around 3 feet in diameter. I had often imagined hugging that large trunk – and thought I will not even cover half of it! From the base two branches sprouted and then grew upwards with pair of branches sprouting in perfect symmetry till top to form a beautiful and widest possible canopy of a lovely shade of green leaves. That green umbrella covered almost half of the road on one side and half of it spread towards the other side over a building compound. In summer that lush green canopy of leaves would get spotted with lovely pink feathery flowers. For a person who loved trees it formed a sight which caught their breath with its beauty!
I had often wondered about his age... 100, 150 or 200? How long does it take to reach that size? I am not a botanist, nor do I have any collected information on trees…  I did not even know what his species was called. But did that really matter? The day I noticed him, for me the connection was formed, it was may be love at first sight J
Each day as my car stopped at the signal, I looked at him and just soaked in the amazing perfection of him. He was such a beautiful expression of life. As I met him each day, I was reminded of how complete, self-sufficient and absolute life could be, in its truest form!
He had stood there year after year, always steady, bravely taking on the blazing heat of the Sun or the heavy batting from the wind or the sharp slaps of the rain… One just had to pay attention to the mesmerizing changes he went through as the seasons changed to see the miracle of nature right there in front of their eyes! The way the leaves changed color, the way the flowers bloomed…
He inspired me to persevere, no matter what changes life brought to you. He inspired me to be self-sufficient and giving. The way he offered shelter to hundreds of birds… the way the squirrels played on his branches… the way he would give cover to anyone who stood below his canopy, and protected them from heavy rains or blazing afternoon Sun. He inspired me to blossom under life’s harshest conditions. He inspired me to be one with the world and yet never lose my true-self, even if the world around continued to evolve. He inspired me to be whole, complete and perfect!
That day, as I looked at him, I noticed that someone had tied a rope around his trunk. Frowning over what that was… my gaze roamed from the base towards his branches and just froze in stunned disbelief…. My beautiful tree was cut!! All his branches towards the side of the road were cut at their base…. That amazing perfectly symmetrical canopy was totally deformed, ruthlessly axed…
My mind screamed in denial… this could not have happened, this is not acceptable! Who did this? Why did they do this? How could they do this?
Whoever put an axe to his branches, did they just not look at him? Whoever ordered to cut him, did they not even think twice? What was his fault – that he had spread himself over a busy road? Did they not realize that he was nature’s perfect creation over hundreds of years, which no one had a right to destroy in an hour!
Somehow I managed to move my car ahead as the vehicles behind started honking, but tears of rage and frustration kept rolling down my eyes.

Each day now, I still do visit him each day. Each time I look at him, my emotions rise in chaos. I feel ashamed for being part of the species which has conquered this earth for themselves with no consideration for other forms of life around them. I feel frustration, for the authorities who are not being diligent enough before ordering cutting of all trees along the road. I feel rage for the sheer manipulation of these municipal officers in charge who cut off each and every branch of a tree just leaving their trunks standing on the road as the so called law prohibits them cutting of the trees but not the branches.
But then – as I looked at him today – instead of feeling the piercing hurt in my heart, I smiled. I saw there are new leaves growing on his branches which are cut. I realized that now with the rains these new small branches will cover the large branch which is cut off. Life finds a way to flourish and grow. He is a perfect form of a complete life and I know he will not give up. I know he will conquer and I know he will continue to inspire me for years to come….
Just that, now each day, I also keep praying that he stays safe from the humanity and will not get completely chopped off one day… if that day ever comes, my trust in that word will be destroyed forever….

The Old Mountain Man...

When we started the five kilometer trek to the fort at the top of this hill, I immediately became doubtful if I will be able to make it to the top. It had been years since I went on a trek like this… and while it was not dangerous it was not at all easy… at least for an amateur like me. By the time I climbed half the mountain I was breathing hard and my legs had started cramping. It took me three breaks and a lot of determination to not quit the trail in half and turn back…
After a strenuous climb of one and a half hours I reached the peak… and I was literally at the top of a mountain and feeling like it! My head was in clouds! What a feeling of accomplishment!

I had a good rest at the top, enjoyed the view, clicked more than the requisite number of selfies with the fort in the background and then began the descent back to the base…
The climb had exhausted me and tested my stamina… now the descent was challenging my balance and testing my agility. But soon I was descending the steep trail of the mountain fast… being cautious of the tricky uneven path full of rocks and slippery stones, winding through the surrounding forest…  

Yes! I was doing it… I had almost done it… I was half way through the trail downhill… and I had to have some rest now… my legs were shaking with sheer exhaustion. If I did not stop I might just collapse…

I spotted a set of large rocks and went to rest on one of those… I started breathing deep to fill my body with much needed oxygen and closed my eyes for a moment… and when I opened them I spotted him… the old man…

A villager, wearing a dirty torn dhoti and a kurta which barely covered his torso… tall and slim like a rod… very dark complexion giving testimony to a number of years exposed in the Sun… face covered with wrinkles and white beard… sharp eyes crinkled at the edges… head tilted just slightly back to look at the high rise that he was climbing… But what arrested my gaze was the big pile of long dried timber wood sticks tied with a rope placed on his head……
That burden of wood looked heavy… easily at least ten kg! From the looks of him he must be around seventy years old. He had climbed the steep rise of the challenging mountain trail half way… and he was walking as effortlessly as if he were walking on a plain road! He was not even breathless!
I was instantly stunned and secretly ashamed… Wow…! Was this man fit for his age or what! Here I was… feeling as accomplished as if I had climbed the Everest… and being happy with myself… and here was this old man, doing the same thing as effortlessly as if it’s a daily chore to him…
Was this fire wood needed for some camp being setup at the mountain? Was there no other way to take the wood to the top? Why was this old man even doing this?
My curiosity overcame my reserve and I called out to him to enquire about this…
He told me he was a resident of a small village which was situated on the other side of the mountain. Every day he collected the wood from the forest and carried it all the way to the top and beyond to his village where he sold some of it and used rest for fire. This was a routine for him since many years now and despite his old age he was quite capable of handling the hard work daily…
His manner of answering me was quite matter of fact. He gave me a nod with a genuine smile as if to indicate that he got my concern for him and started his mountain hike…

I kept looking at his back… as he climbed some more my eyes fell to his feet…. He was wearing some age old slippers… I looked closely and found they had holes in their soles, big enough to get spotted from a distance. But this man did not seem bothered by it… he was easily navigating his way through the big rocks and tree branches and going up the hill….
My eyes fell on the fancy sneakers I was wearing, which I had thought of as not good enough for such a rocky trail… I had bought a windcheater a day before just for this trek thinking how else I would survive the cold mountain air early in the morning….
I felt my eyes stinging… I was deeply touched and moved beyond words… Unexpectedly I found myself in that peculiar moment when life presents you with a mirror….
In terms of money, in terms of luxury of living, in terms of sheer pampered lifestyle….. What a blessed life I had compared to this man! It was not the first time that I was seeing someone drastically poor and working hard for their livelihood, but this seemed to be kind of severe for the sheer labor that he was going through for such trivial returns …
But then, I thought, did I really need to feel sorry for him? Did his demeanor ask for it?
While I was shocked to see an old man performing such a hard labor, he himself had simply called it as a daily routine. And at that advanced age, this man was so fit and active… that was the true reward of his hard work and simple lifestyle… health!
While I instinctively felt compassion for his poverty, he had showed so much acceptance…! Acceptance of his work, his lifestyle, his circumstances… acceptance without a trace of complaint!
He was at peace with what he had, seemed even proud when he said that he does this daily and still possesses the strength to manage this hard work…
Was that not the real goal of seeking happiness… being at peace with you and your life?
So in terms of health and happiness, I thought, who was more blessed?
The old man kept climbing the rocky trail and moved beyond the line of my vision…. And he got me present to the ultimate meaning of blessings in disguise and the power of acceptance for being at peace with you and your life…..
As I climbed down the remaining slope of the mountain, I did not have the same sense of achievement that I would have had otherwise, but I definitely had the image of an old mountain man imprinted on my mind, with an inspiring tale which had to be told…

Aashayein - Hope for the victims of Human Trafficking...

Now that was surprising! A “mandatory” presentation that we had to attend as a pre-requisite for the Impact Day – this was a first! Moreover we were asked to sign some document listing rules of dos and don’ts…
Impact Day in my organization is a day when all the employees spend a day in service of community to create an impact – a positive difference in the lives of those who need some help. This impact day, as part of thread “Aashayein”, I was going to visit a government run hostel for the ladies and children who are rescued from human trafficking. We were going in collaboration with an NGO – IJM (International Justice Mission)...
… But none of the impact days before had asked for such a pre-requisite… so why now?
A little skeptical, I went to attend the presentation of the NGO person – Linda, an employee of IJM – who started giving us an overview of what we had enrolled into. As I listened to Linda’s sincere yet passionate speech and looked at the various pictures on her presentation which showed some of the “cases” of the rescued ladies, I soon started understanding why…
Why was it necessary to explain to the sophisticated audience of our employees what exactly they were going to visit? Why was it necessary to share with them the stories of where the rescued ladies in these hostels come from and how they landed there?

Hardly any of us really had full idea of the lives of the people we were going to visit… hardly any of us really understood or thought of what their life was like, what challenges they faced or where they need our help… hardly any of us thought that beyond the tag of “Prostitute” there lives a regular person like us with their own story…and we needed to know the facts...
For the first time in my life, I was going to visit the victims of human trafficking… ladies and children who were brought into trade by various channels and rescued by the police with active participation by the NGO personnel…I was filled with anticipation and a resolution to make the best of the time I will be spending in the rescue home and to create a positive impact for them…
On the morning of impact day, I reached the venue early in the morning as part of a team of around hundred volunteers….
While we were waiting to enter the premises, I again got a chance to interact with Linda and discuss these cases at length. This time Linda showed me a number of photos on her mobile and explained their backgrounds and current situation in details. Story after story emerged from Linda’s cell phone and painted in front of me a clear possibility of how you can touch and transform lives of people in need – if only you believed fully into the cause, made yourself available and took action with perseverance. Each of them was a story of Hope – story of “Aashayein”…
There was a smiling photograph of a mentally challenged girl who actually belonged to a wealthy family. She was deceived by a man and sold in a brothel. Her parents tried every angel and could not find her. She was found in one of the IJM led raids. When they found her she was in a very bad shape but was ultimately reunited with her parents. Now she is well cared for and back to her normal life.
I got tears in my eyes when she showed me snaps of an eight year old girl dancing happily in a school program. Even after rescue this girl cannot be returned to her family as her grandmother runs the brothel. IJM is now providing for her and looking after her security and schooling.
When Linda showed me snaps of a lady in nurse uniform she was especially proud. This lady was rescued three years ago. Since then she completed her nursing course and is now competently self-sufficient in her transformed life.
I was completely touched, moved and inspired… this is what “making a difference” meant… even if you are able to transform a single life like this… would that not be simply amazing?
As I listened to Linda, I kept thinking… what these ladies really need is counselling, mentoring, medical and financial aid. Money is a big issue for them – mainly due to their poor backgrounds and that is why a big difference can be made if they are given some vocational training – something which is possible for them and guaranteed to start them an income...
Finally we were allowed entry behind the huge grilled doors of the hostel premise…
There are around hundred ladies in there, claimed to be 18 plus in age, though some of them looked younger to me. As close to fifty of the volunteer ladies of my organization entered the premises wearing our blue t-shirt and jeans, the ladies of the home started observing us with a lot of nervousness, some speculation and a tentative friendly smile…
As an ice-breaker activity, we made groups and each of us got a couple of ladies assigned to us to interact with and we began a round of introduction… As I looked at each of the faces closely, I started to overcome my own nervousness and connect with them as fellow individuals…
Many of the ladies were shy to even speak their names. There was a lot of nervous giggle when asked to introduce themselves by telling us their name and what they like. A few ladies appeared very bold with bright red lipsticks and streaks of colored hair but they were actually very soft spoken and shy. On the other hand, a couple of saree clad ladies, whom I thought to be illiterate and simple, turned out to be quite confident and spoke well. Without any exception, all of them were very glad to receive us, to talk to us and interact with us. Many of them loved to sing and dance and cook and feed!
A Bengali lady started singing a song quite willingly and we all went silent. What a superb voice she had! So melodious and taking on a high pitch so comfortably like a trained classical singer… Without knowing what the song was all about, the emotion of the song touched my heart. It was sad and spoke of a tragedy... At the end, the singer explained the meaning to us – the song was of a flower blossoming in a garden, which was uplifted by someone unknown and thrown away… asking where is the garden where I was nurtured and where I belonged… As she explained the poignant meaning, she got sheen of tears in her eyes as they looked beyond the windows, but the smile remained fixed on her face…
We started conducting a session on personal hygiene for the ladies. As we asked them questions, a young girl called Sonia kept answering them all before anyone else. She soon caught my eye… God! But she was absolutely beautiful! Fair skin, smart and delicate features, lovely smile, lovely long hair… I could not believe that such a beauty is found in this place! Where has she come from? What happened to her? As I looked at that bold and beautiful girl my eyes fell to her wrists and arms… I felt like someone had slapped me awake from a dream… her arms had real bad scars… as if someone has burnt her with something or cut her with something sharp…
Oh my God! What has she gone through? Has her beauty cost her this? The manner of her speaking and the body language told me that she must have spent major part of her life with the same company… may be she doesn’t even know the world we live in… how I wished I could talk to her freely and ask her what is her story… could I work with her to pull her out from this? Such a smart spirited girl… she can have a bright future… who will create that possibility for her?
Post the hygiene session, we had a great game of passing the parcel. Each of the volunteers – who were now called as “Didi” – and a lady from the home formed a pair. The pair who is out was supposed to perform a dance or a song while all rest clapped and cheered…
As the game progressed, before our eyes, the initial shyness of the ladies faded away… soon we were all laughing out loud together, clapping together and singing on top of our voices together… The distance created by the vast differences in our upbringings, backgrounds, and society faded away and nothing really mattered then. We were simply together in those moments – enjoying a simple game to its fullest, joined by laughter and a basic sense of humanity – desire to belong and desire to include…!
As we played the game, a couple of five – six year old girls joined the group. My initial thought was that of an extreme shock – thinking that they are also the survivors! My heart wretched in pain and I could not wait to talk to them and find out how the girls are cared for… But soon I found out that their mothers are in the home and they are with their mothers. I sent a silent prayer of thanks to God…
Such sweet innocent faces! The girl named Pooja reminded me of my own daughter. The other was called Diya and wore cute little glasses – which still had the manufacturer label printed on them…
As we broke for lunch, I took the first opportunity to seek the girls out. The girls wanted more of the tissue papers we had used to make paper flowers. I offered them a few, used my experience as a mom and soon got them open up to me. Soon we were counting to thirty and reciting A B C D with phonics… Pooja said she learnt it when she was back home and really remembered it well!
Where is Pooja's home? Who taught her? Her mom seemed to be a good, genuine and an affectionate lady to me… if I had met her in normal society, I would have never suspected her to be a victim or a worker… What’s happened to them? What is their future? What is going to be Pooja and Diya’s future?
I pushed the thoughts aside for the moment and taught the girls to play ring-a-ring-a-roses… Soon the three of us were laughing and running a circle… I actually forgot that I was hungry since last couple of hours and had the lunch waiting… I did not want to leave them… I wanted to make them laugh, I wanted to teach them more… I wanted to know that as I leave them, they will be fine… I wanted to see the possibility of a bright future for them…
Post lunch, we got into a lantern making session with the ladies. I sat with two Bengali ladies – who were rescued just recently. Soon they shared that they had children of their own whom they had left home. One lady had left her five year old daughter in the care of her mother and had last seen her daughter one year ago. She spoke of her daughter with a constant smile on her face and deep longing in her voice. It was a mother who loved her child beyond everything and wanted to be with her more than anything. She would do anything for the well being of her child, to protect her child and to see her secure. As a mother, I resonated with that mother’s feeling. As a mother, I could just sense the depth of her misery when she had to abandon her child. What caused this? She was married… where is her husband? Or was it her husband who is behind where she is today? She was a Muslim and kept saying “Allah”… she held my hand when she said “Dua karo hum jaldi ghar jaye…” How I wished only my “Dua” would be enough for her to deal with this…
The other Bengali lady told me that she loves reading. She spoke English fluently and was educated. May be it was her education and larger understanding of the world that she appeared more like she has accepted the situation and looked to be strong enough to deal with it…
While making lanterns, I peeped through the open doors of the large hall like rooms where the ladies lived. The rooms had only that much which would be bare minimum required for a person to stay and sleep. Bunk beds with shabby beds and unclean sheets. Overall poor state of furniture and lack of cleanliness.
As I looked through the room, my eyes fell on a drawing of big cross made on a wall on which a cursive handwriting said – “Help me God! Please!!
I could not remove my gaze from that cross for a long time… Who wrote that? Clearly she could write in English. She must have been desperate and desolate… But importantly, when she wrote this here, she had already been rescued and just needed to return home… she should have been ideally happy or eager or may be impatient – not miserable!
But then the world is not black and white for these ladies who have only seen the shades of grey… Even after rescue, they depend on the NGO to look after them to work through the legalities. They need to find their families or find a secure job and means of earning. How many would be going back to what they were doing? How many are found by their previous owners again? How many are accepted by their families?
May be for some, the rescue would actually be like leaving a known, familiar world and trying to enter something where they have absolutely no idea how to survive! Who will give them this support or this confidence?
With that thought, once again, my eyes sought out the one person in the group who was most mysterious of all… At first look, I had mistaken her as one of the IJM volunteers and was completely shocked to know that she was also a survivor!
That foreigner – snow shite skin, golden hair, beautiful smile, who looked like a fair version of one of our Bollywood heroines - she had somehow ended up in a rescue home in India! By now, I had come to know that she is very humble, polite and actually very helpful to the NGO volunteers in dealing with the ladies. She must have spent at least a few years in India for she spoke quite a bit of Hindi. She was clearly very smart however after being with the ladies for a long period of time she had also become somewhat shy and I felt as if some of her original spirit must have left her… A wide scar ran from her lips to her mid-cheek adding to the darkness of her background... How? When? Why? What now...? Same questions kept buzzing in my head as I kept looking at her…
As the day came to an end, the ladies of the home performed a dance routine for us – which they had practiced just since two days knowing that we were planning to visit. A folk dance performed with so much ease and grace… it felt like a big Thank You gesture to me.
Sonia – the beautiful girl who had shown so much of spirit – was the only one bold enough to come forward and tell us on all their behalf that they really loved our visit and had a day filled with so much fun and activities. They really wished that we would visit again and spend time with them… everyday they spend the days worrying about their future and thinking of their problems, but that day was made special to them by us. Happiness for them – was a rare gift!
We had really created a big impact – with just the visit of one single day…
As I said goodbye, my eyes kept wondering across all the faces around me… my heart went out to them… I gave them hugs and I gave them my love… I again prayed a “Dua” for them… but that was all I could give them then…
What they really need is for people like us to take a stand for them… with full understanding of their individual situation. They need help – the way they require it. Not the way we understand it. They really need “enablement” – to move successfully and independently ahead in life and to avoid getting sucked back into their old life. They need lots of counselling to get the confidence and positivity back in their life.
They need acceptance, care and love. They need us to stop judging them for their backgrounds and they need unconditional support.
As Linda said, “To make a difference to them, you need to be really positive and believe that there is HOPE for them. You need to demonstrate constant commitment and focused effort and time dedicated to them. We have seen so many transformations and there is always a way to bring life back to them. You just need to be there, be available…and create awareness for this whole racket of human trafficking and their victims…
As a beginning in that direction, here I am publishing this article…
Thank you for reading… if you wish to act for and help the victims of human trafficking, please let me know and I will connect you with Linda...