Send off!

35 minutes to go....

Standing at the departure gate of the hustling international airport she looked at her watch and calculated the time left before she had to enter the gate and leave him behind for at least three years... 
So much had happened... She knew her decision to move abroad was one sided, he had never agreed to that. She knew she had hurt him. She knew he may never forgive her. She knew she risked their entire relationship by choosing to bring this distance between them. She knew he may never come... and she would need to understand...
With a shaken indrawn breath she told herself once again, her decision meant she should be ready to let him go if he so reacted. She really did not have a choice. 
Her heart ached. She was going to be so alone, so lonely without him...
He was her constant for last so many years. Her love, her best friend, her support, her backbone, her companion, her partner...! Leaving him was like carving out a major portion of her life, leaving a huge void behind…
Would he really come to send her off? Her anxious gaze scanned the crowd at the busy terminal once again. No sight. 
30 minutes to go...
Oh God! What would she do if she had to leave without even seeing him one last time!? She panicked. Can she survive not seeing him for three years when she was used to spending hours looking at him each day? His face, so dear to her… his touch, so warm and assuring… his hug, so comforting… his kiss, so full of love ... could she live without him at all? 
With a steadying breath she prayed for strength! Strength to do what was needed, strength to overcome her emotions with rationality... Strength to not waver in her decision... Her prayer was her only salvation. 
Where was he? Why did he not even send a text to let her know if he is coming or not? Was he that angry with her that he was just willing to let her go without even seeing her one last time? 
Desperately she scanned the area once again... and spotted him!
25 minutes to go....
She released the breath she was holding up with a shudder.... he had come! He was running on the walkway across the road in an attempt to cross the road.
Blue t-shirt and black jeans. Her favorite. Holding a small bag in his hand. With an expression of desperation on his handsome face. He spotted her as he crossed the road and started running towards her. 
She wanted to cry. She wanted to shout out a YESSS. She wanted to jump with joy! 
He had come. He had not given up on her. He had not given up on them...
Slowing down just as he reached her he stopped just half a foot away from her. The half foot distance that was going to decide so many things for their future and for their relationship. With all his feelings in his eyes he stopped there and just looked at her. An unspoken question in his eyes. 
She could not help it. She stepped right in and hugged him tight. 
He was hers. He loved her. He loved her enough to forgive her. She had not lost. They had not lost. His love had brought them a victory. It was that simple, it was that wonderful.
All her emotions broke free and she started crying. She held onto him as if she never wanted to let him go. He hugged her tight and wiped her tears. His own eyes misty. He kissed her forehead. A kiss of care, a kiss of forgiveness. 

15 minutes to go...

Stepping back a little he pulled out a small teddy bear keychain from his bag. She loved soft toys like a little girl. He attached that teddy to her purse. That would be her reminder to never forget him. The teddy held a heart which said "I love you no matter what". Then quickly he pulled out her favorite chocolate from the bag and handed it to her. Their regular valentine day gift. A chocolate she always associated with love.
She held his hand. She could not stop the tears flowing.
He was showing her unconditional love. He was showing her he would always love her even if she made some decisions in their relationship which would solely benefit her. He was showing her he would not give up on her, on them, on their love. He was offering her comfort, support, care, love.
As she weakened with emotions overflowing her, in that moment he became her strength.

5 minutes to go...

Hand in hand they walked towards security at the gate. This was the last stop. Beyond the gate she was going to disappear for at least three years. They kept looking at each other. Hands and gazes locked. As tears kept flowing from her eyes, he wiped them once again. Pulled her in for a last hug and kissed her forehead. She looked into his eyes and asked for more. He then kissed her and conveyed all the unspoken love from his lips to hers. Releasing her from his embrace he wiped her tears for the last time and gave her a smile and a wink, bringing out answering smile on her face. 
Stepping back he gently nudged her towards the security and waved a goodbye. 
Filled with the assurance of that love and unspoken promises, she went in with a smile...
She never saw when finally he let go of his tightly held control and crumbled on the floor with rocking sobs as she vanished into the crowd inside the airport... 


  1. Very touching , scene and words are perfectly matching … keep Writting

  2. Amazing, very well worded, very beautiful to read and understand and most importantly true events happening around in today's daily life. Doesn't sound fancy at all.
