A Stroll on the Beach

Aimlessly I was wondering on the beach… looking at the sunset, finding my way through the children playing, avoiding getting hit by a stray ball coming in my direction, glancing at the couple walking hand in hand passing from my side…

The carefree joyous shouts of the little girl playing in the waves were music for my ears. A cry of a baby for the balloon brought a reluctant smile on my face…

Few feet away was an old couple walking side by side, the man was holding a stick in his one hand and his wife’s hand in the other… the peace and contentment on their faces was priceless…!

Someone tapped me on my hand and I looked down. A girl of 4 – 5 years was begging for a rupee. As usual I was moved by a child’s poverty. Thinking it is wrong to encourage her to beg and still somewhat not able to ignore her, I fetched a rupee from my bag and dropped it in her hands. The brilliant smile she gave me was worth many such rupees, for the pure pleasure in her smile was not for the rupee but for achieving the seemingly impossible task her father had set for her. At her age she did not know the value of the rupee but she certainly knew the value of the praise of her father as well as the value of the envy her siblings will feel for her…

Spotting a place which was somewhat free of the crowd, I sat down and watched the sunset. I could certainly appreciate the beauty of the sight which every poet on earth had tried to tap. As always the source of light sinking at the horizon of sea brought me closer to nature, closer to myself and a usual calm settled on my mind. Losing myself in the enormity of nature I sat there for some time.

When the twilight started fading I got up and started my return journey home.

The stroll on the beach had refreshed my outlook on the world, brought me closer to nature and rejuvenated my insight on life……

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