
Imagine going to a place like this... 
On top of a hill, under the blue skies, full of lush green scenary, under the soothing umbrella of this beautiful cherry blossom... fully surrounded by the tranquility of nature... 
Imagine sitting on that swing... swinging to the rhythm of the flowing wind... breathing the fresh air with a scent of wild flowers... 
Imagine slowly with each swing dropping all your inhibitions as a grown-up, dropping your identity, letting go of all your worries, disappointments, complaints or sorrows...
Imagine dissolving yourself fully in the magnificence of nature and then getting reconnected with your true self... 
Imagine total relaxation... Imagine peace... Imagine pure bliss!!
We all need such a place, such a swing in our mind.... When sometimes this life overwhelmes us, we should just close our eyes and imagine being on this swing, like this lady in the painting... 
Just a step-back, a pause, letting-go, relaxing and experiencing pure bliss!!